
It is no secret that Brussels, capital of Europe, is also a city where a large number of legislative decisions are made every day in many matters.

This is why thousands of special-interest groups take action there to voice their claims. These special-interest goups operate in spaces related to the media and around public authorities.

Experienced observers suggest the presence of some 20,000 lobbyists inBrussels! Needless to say this is a very important activity.

Settled in the capital of Europe since its creation in 1985, COMMUNICATION CENTER INTERNATIONAL offers a highly specialized two day training on the in and outs of lobbying.
More info? t.dachelet@comcint.com.

Simultaneously, with its years of experience in communication, COMMUNICATION CENTER INTERNATIONAL can also accompany you and be a pro-active relay within numerous networks.
More info? t.dachelet@comcint.com.